Thursday, July 18, 2013

Roman Who?

Roman Numerals have always intrigued me. I picture a bunch of people standing near the Colosseum in Rome and deciding to use a combination of letters to make what we know as numbers!?! Ok, well this may seem a bit far fetched, but I would have loved to be a fly on that rock when they had the discussion on which letter means what!

I was able to really understand the whole concept of Roman Numerals when I was a child, but I didn't use them a lot in my life. Therefore, I slowly starting forgetting the basic symbols of most of the Roman Numerals. I found a website that has some great worksheets and charts that could really help in the classroom. Roman numerals worksheets and charts

I have come to realize that Roman Numerals are not used as frequently anymore, but they are still around and I don't think they are going anywhere. Some places that I have found that Roman Numerals are still used today are on some clocks and watches, in some movie titles and also when naming some regal names (King Henry VIII). So let's get to know them and use them when necessary.

 More fun!

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